Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Affair


Holding Hands (Without Permission)

    Recently, my dreams have been out of range - that is to say they've been so mundane I couldn't remember them. Last night there were terrible thunderstorms in my area. Rain poured out of the dark sky - lightning flashing constantly and hitting nearly everywhere in my area. A water tower was hit one town over - I jokingly thought to myself "I hope someone is building an Ark."
    Some years back when this all began, I tried putting two and two together - using the paranormal "water/quartz/lightning" theory to explain why a rash of soaking thunderstorms may have charged up the area, opening the doorway for me to experience these dreams. Last night going to bed I wasn't even thinking of this. Even waking up several times this morning with one trip to the bathroom hadn't sparked any memorable dreams. I remembered waking up around 5 (checked my sleep app) deciding to stay in bed for some extra sleep.

The dream locations have become harder to pin down, maybe it's this unfamiliarity that has me confused. A familiar face made it easier to "Drop into" this dream. 

    Seated in a darkened restaurant with a romantic vibe, I was across the table from a woman that I only know from Twitter (I never reveal) we were meeting for dinner. The dinner was pointless, a formality - the other side testing my loyalty perhaps. My theory is that whatever pleasure the other side derives from pulling my strings deals with inner feeling and waters untested. Later as we ate the meal, the decision was made by me to pull my chair closer - we kissed, sealing the deal. Now invested in this "Affair" we allowed the nervous energy between us dissipate, now fully at-ease with each other. Two lovers engrossed by the moment; the restaurant becomes an afterthought. It's then when my guard was down, that a feeling of familiarity was about to jolt me from this romantic reverie. I pause. My new interest asks, "What's wrong?" Turning around in my chair, I see my wife eating dinner with her family at a table not far away. My wife looks me dead in the eye - furious. I'm caught. Nothing to do but answer to the woman I've been married to for 36 years. She comes over to us and says in my ear "I have some friends that will take care of this." Cold as death the warning was leveled with precision - I felt it cut deep. Done. Ruined. 

    A shift happens, I'm now sorting through my things, deciding which clothes to take. Paring down my belongings so I can live in cheap hotels or couch surf at a friend's place. Saddened by betraying the best thing to come into my life - I pick up a pair of socks, stuffing it into my backpack. The dream ends.


For twenty-nine minutes (6:10 -6:39) I was dreaming. A lot more was going on - I feel like there was another betrayal (by me) before dinner. A whole other adventure had taken place, more abandoned buildings and such. Usually, seven minutes is all the dream time I need for a message to come through. There IS a bunch of quartz rock in the fill that was used to create my neighborhood - I'm still on the fence on the theory, but boy the door opened again in a big way.

One more night here before I fly off to Las Vegas to visit my siblings.

All Things...

     After the red-eye flight back home to Charlotte on Sunday, my sleep patterns were disrupted. September had come in with the New Moon an...