Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Task


My niece walking the meditation path.
New Song Church, Henderson,NV

    Not to be outdone, every now and then a set of mundane tasks is presented for me to accomplish while in a dream. The New Moon hasn’t been without effect. Four days in a row now, I’ve been dropped into a dream. This one was shorter - but held some type of purpose.

    I find myself on the opposite side of two desks pushed together to form a workstation. Piles of unopened letters, stacked and in bins are on the far desk. A coworker that resembles Christopher Lloyd is slashing them with a letter opener and handing me the papers inside. My job was to organize, count, and scan the papers into the system. Multiple times before, the act of counting and organization is a ritual behavior for me during dreams. The simple act has no purpose or meaning. I often think of ways this activity served any use. The pace is slow, we’re not making any progress, not that it would matter. I become distracted from my scanning and get out of sync. The process was to record who the letter was from, scan, and then place in another box or bin. Gaining awareness of working this task takes my mind off the job. I’m in the here and now. Panic begins to set in, I lose track of the count. I ask my coworker to stop ripping the envelopes, I need to check the previous ten. His trash bin is too much for me to go through. 

Failing this task I begin to wake up.

    Most of the morning I felt like I hadn’t dreamed, waking up twice previously with no recollection. Actually after falling asleep I had one dream - without any recall. It was around 5:30 this morning waking up from the task and I decided since I’m on vacation I was due for another round of sleep. Flash dreams begin. Seconds after closing my eyes I’m hit with all kinds of imagery, a woman’s face, some random locations, and then I’m counting again - boxes of hi-lighter markers in different colors. Try as I might, sleep isn’t happening, at least for five minutes. Checking my sleep app, I did fall back to sleep despite the barrage of images invading my head from the ether.

    Yesterday my sister, who is the associate pastor of the New Song Lutheran Church in Henderson NV - wanted to show off her church. My niece was excited to give us a “tour” of the grounds - even though it was a paved path to three large “Calvary Crosses” erected at the edge of the hill. To our right Las Vegas proper could be seen in the valley below. The tour ended and my niece wanted us to see the meditation path, a spiral of stones that my sister said parishioners come out to walk in meditation. I started walking, reminded of my dreams of spirals representing time.
    Earlier at my sister’s apartment we were having conversation and somehow dreams came up without prompting from me. My niece chimed in that her mom has terrible nightmares - even to the point of fighting unseen forces in front of her. My sister described to the T the entities that I had seen, little dark beings that were attacking her. My niece described the white room she was in, circular and turned into a spiral - I told them that I had experienced both these things.
    These synchronicities, were too close to ignore. We got things out in the open. I expressed my theory to my sister that our mother suffered from nightmares and proved that she never spoke of dreaming - neither her or my brother could recall her mentioning them. This nightmarish world is like a family curse - and now stretches to a new generation. My own daughter suffers terrible dreams, as does my son.

    I know that my quest is only beginning, taking tremendous amounts of detective work and energy to solve, if not for me - for my family.

Walking the Spiral with my niece.

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