Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Don’t Change to Channel


   Yesterday in a Tweet made by yours truly, I declared a bit of boredom at the job. My position is office coordinator, but in reality more like a reception/intake person. Since we are an internal shop for the entity and under contract, there isn’t a large volume of foot traffic - except for random pick ups. Most days are sneaking peeks at my phone (forbidden) and doing research on Google - Hence Boredom.

    A little backstory. Despite all of my interests in all things paranormal and weird stuff, I’ve never taken part in a ghost hunt, done any psychic testing, or anything randomly connected - except that one time with the OUIJA board (session still open?) if you can count being a non-practicing Catholic as my entryway into the metaphysical world then…yeah.

    Most people know me as that nut-job that shares all his dreams. I don’t know what you guys call me behind my back but I guess my insecurities might be close (joking?) for that matter I’ve never come out of my comfort zone - I am a hermit by nature. Locked in a cave doing hermit shit would please me to no end - peopling is hard. The signs on my cave would read: 



Like most kids, back in the day I tried the Uri Gellar thing, bending spoons, moving objects - nothing. Except for the one time I might have seen a UFO and two incidents with what I perceived to be spirits doing ghostly shit, then I don’t have much stock in the paranormal game. 

So why try Channeling in the middle of the morning? I guess that little voice that urges us to try things now and again may have surfaced to give me a push, teasing me to entertain the concept of being still and just letting random words and images flow through. This wasn’t a scientific experiment by any means - but I used the similar method by which I’m able to catch “Flash Dreams” except I intentionally switched to asking a question and seeing if my psyche would answer - like Jung. 

    Our imaginations often lay unused if our day is ruled by the clock - mine isn’t - so there IS the opportunity for free-play while I’m supposed to be being useful at work. With that said, all I do to enter sleep quickly is sit back in the office chair, close my eyes and within a minute, I will be dreaming. Practice has made me capable of waking up just to jot down what the dream was - usually the few seconds of time it took to actually see the dream. 

    Without further ado, below is the transcript of me settling in, closing my eyes asking a deeply personal question and the weird responses I got and wrote down every few words (spaced out accordingly) Who knows what I channeled?


Me: To the Dreamworld, what is it do you need from me (Pause, close my eyes)

    All you need

    A particle of energy (My left hand starts to tingle)

    Disable fear / sit table / comfort (describing what I am doing?)

    Force / Collapse Remove Fear Covering (I see a finger push the universe inward)

    Remain / Open Receive (I was thinking of stopping)

    Relaxed Inward / Go Dimension

    Deeper Channel Cave

    Humans are / Communicate Many

    Silence / Oscillate / Enter Wave

    Tone / Balanced Accept

    Fluctuate / Energy / Frequency Control

    Teaching / Perilous Journey (I was surprised at this point)

    Absolute Enemy (….)

    Understood Transmission (Me acknowledging?)

    Surrounding (I see the Earth in my minds eye)

    Angel Halo / False

    Network Halo / Command Driven


    Let Go / Release Tension / Fear

    Change / See / Levitate

    Aura Emanate Release

    Entity Manifest / Mall (Nothing manifested, I sit in an atrium that resembles a mall)

    Process / Parallel Resist

Then randomly the poem we all know begins…

    Starlight / Starbright (12:34PM)

    Open Is Good

Subconsciously I begin to rock back and forth..

    Rocking Is Good / Send Message

    Receive / End

Every time you see a line break and a forward slash is when I wrote something down. As soon as my eyes closed the narrative kept going, sometimes a word crept in just before my eyes closed. You can chalk all of this up to my expectation to receive a message from beyond, and the narrative fulfills the creepy need to get SOMETHING from beyond, as if the Genie within is there to give you what you need so you don’t feel crazy. This is one weird experiment I would try again to see if something else came through. 

    I thought that the pacing of the “Transmissions” were kind of odd, missing connector words, chopped for brevity and impact. Does my mind really talk like that, like a fake alien in a 1950’s movie? This all could be my own expectation to create that manifested this “otherworldly” communication to come through. 

Then again…

P.S. Don’t worry - I’m not going on the road to do the whole “Bashar” thing… NOPE.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Skating on Thin Nice - April 12

Photo from Rincon, PR bar by Author


    As far as originality goes, I think my dream state is finally looking for new ideas. This morning I woke up from another transitional dream, speed was of the essence - taking me from one location to another while riding on roller skates. I’m not really good on skates, pedestrian at best. Earlier this week I may have watched a few quick videos of skateboarders going down hill really fast. Figuring out where I got the fuel for this dream wasn’t hard at all, what makes it more surprising is the actual rush of speeding on skates and seeing the action from several vantage points.

    My destination became secondary - the speed was reaching my limit of  comfort into the extreme. The road led nowhere, because I woke up. Later in the morning the dream was about conflict. Falling back to sleep I was trying to remember something from earlier - total blank out. The conflict began without my influence, two men were squaring up, I had to intervene. One of the men happened to be my nephew who is also with us on this vacation with his girlfriend. The man he was having issue with was a 6’9” basketball player from a University - built like Shaquille O’Neal. My nephew knows his College basketball and began reading the player his rights, this did not go over well with the guy. Heated but not yet going to blows, I was able to step in - it almost seemed like both men didn’t really want to grapple due to the disparity of height, but the conversation was reaching a tipping point. Wedging myself in between the two I reluctantly placed my hand on the bigger man’s chest - knowing full well things could get ugly for me real soon. With me as the buffer, the two men continued the disagreement. My nephew was gaining the upper hand and bringing the larger man down to earth, making the basketball player realize that he may have been hasty with his reasoning. Arguments, conflict, why must I always play the mediator?

This entry was made during vacation - I didn’t get to finish till today. 4/19/24

April 18 - Remnants

    Several remnants of dreams poked through in what I thought was a relatively calm morning. After the usual bathroom trip at around 2am this time, I started dreaming a romantic scene of just laying in bed clothed, with a woman. This woman was familiar, not my wife - a sense that I knew her maybe as M.A.R.T.H.A. There was a difference though - the fact that by the end of the interaction her face began to change made me suspect Tricky. Playfully caressing the woman I looked at her and realized she looked like Ariana Grande… Surprise almost brought me out of the dream but I felt urged to continue the march toward foreplay. I think she was upset with me, pushing my hand away so I stopped. Asking her “What’s wrong?” I couldn’t even get to ask if she loved me before she broke things off by telling me “This is how it’s going to be” standing up and leaving me in the bed - her face was already changing as she left the room. Emotionally, I was confused almost repeating her words… This is how it’s going to be…

    The next dream involved another car trip, this time my wife’s uncle was going through the car looking for something that he eventually found - a box of cookies. He complained that his wife must have hidden them from him. Feeling victorious of having found his prize he offered me one. Before I could refuse or grab the offering from him, he shoved the enormous soft-baked treat into my mouth. I was sitting in the passenger seat, he turns around and begins to drive. Munching on the cookie, I sit back and enjoy the ride.

    I’m with my good friend Frankie, he was looking at a piece of driftwood I brought back from my Puerto Rico trip (Dream incorporation) and when he tipped it over while examining it, a bunch of sand came out onto the table. We laugh after making the mess, awkwardly trying to contain the flow of sand from the piece of wood. I leave the apartment, walking towards the Subway train - a similar walk that I’ve taken hundreds of times. I’m in a different neighborhood that the elevated trains runs through. A familiar person is standing just underneath the elevated tracks - at first my mind didn’t make the connection, but as I walked closer it was then that I realized that she was the Asian pre-teen school-girl that was on the train with me in another dream. I woke up.

    Awake, I double check the image of the young girl to see if maybe my consciousness inserted her there. No, it was the same girl, I’m going around full-circle with my dreams again. The girl was waiting to cross the street, standing like a signpost - something familiar to remind me that there is still work to do in the dream world.

April 19 - The HAG Redux

    Yesterday I was being frisky with a beautiful young woman, this morning it was the HAG. This entity or manifestation of whatever dark desires that lay hidden within the shadowy corners of my Freudian mind, helped unleash me from this self imposed imprisonment. I was thrown into coupling with this being, usually represented by an enormous volume of obese flesh - something that doesn’t matter to me in the heat of the moment. Paralysis used to follow these encounters, but gradually over the years I have accepted these amorous advances without any ill effect. Merging with this dark and unappealing desire within me makes the nightmares go away, I haven’t talked about running from some kind of dream danger or another in a while.

    Later on after I woke up, surprised yet not really, about interacting with the HAG again - especially since yesterday I had the encounter with Tricky/Martha and seeing the schoolgirl again meant that these signposts are valid excuses to grab my attention for the next few days at least.

    Falling asleep again there were a series of dreams that I couldn’t remember unless of course I was just watching again. We get out of our seats, the show is over and we begin following the crowd out of the theater. The theater is one of the signposts. I’m with my youngest and one of their friends - they naturally walk ahead as I’m just shambling along before I catch my gait. The kids decide to leave the theater via a different method, not using revolving door they side-step through the wide open door that leads into the parking deck (The Parking deck is another signpost). The parking deck has ramps but no elevator to get to where your “car” is parked. We begin walking up the ramps and my kid walks into the wall, smashing their face. I’m far enough behind them that I think they did this on purpose to prank me, but I see my kid wiggle their front tooth from under the fat upper lip. I see a spot of blood on the white painted wall…

I wake up it’s 5:30am. This morning’s journey is over, I get up to take my medicine.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024



Our “Home” for the week

    The first night in this vacation Air BnB brought with it serious island vibes to my dreams. Although our consciousness feeds our unconscious with visual cues and association by just being there - along with past experiential data - nothing is more validating than having a weird dream about the location you are currently in.
Last night, I thought there was a weird occurrence almost an hour after I went to bed - there was a noise I thought was in the room, but since I was wearing the earplugs I couldn’t tell. Puerto Rico has frequent earthquakes that can be felt all over the Island. I thought the sound was a temblor. Then I spot the closet door open in the gloom.
Haunted? Closet door I swore opened itself
    The next part of my investigation made more sense, the two mirrored doors are unbalanced - If you don’t pull both all the way out, one side will slide back on its own. Spooky. One last part to check since we arrived at night and had no reference or the lay of the land, I look out the window on the left and spot this at the neighboring home:
    A creepy doll on the fence looking up at the window - there was another doll that I didn’t spot at first covered by the tree. I went down to get a better look and a picture of both together.
Suspicious Dolls Facing the House

    Definitely a creepy vibe from these two looking up at the window of the room I’m sleeping in. This development made every rational excuse I came up with during my investigation go flying out the window - especially with my knowledge of the superstition and mystical practices here on the Island of Puerto Rico. These two dolls might be troublesome. Or not.

    About the dreams. I couldn’t parse them out like I normally would. A pudgy looking kid was with me for several “scenes” his appearance was throwing me off keeping me from being hyper aware of what else was going on. All I know it was nighttime. I meet with a guy and do a favor for him, again the instance was just him thanking me with a handshake after the task was done - I had no reference point about what I had done. Later I remembered something about looking for lizards with the odd child. It was weird because the scenery reminded me of Puerto Rico even though I just got here. Leave it to the power of suggestion from my own mind and expectations to use that fact for the setting. The little boy decided he wanted to look for lizards at night. We were outdoors near an open park,  the lampposts were illuminating the night just enough for walking along the path. The boy walked in the direction of a dark stand of bushes and trees that the lizards would be congregating. Before reaching the target he began to belly crawl almost imitating the movements of a lizard, I thought his behavior was slightly excessive until moments later he was able to capture not one, but two small green lizards. 
    Waking up, my night wasn’t very restful. The dreams weren’t too upsetting or filled with the usual nightmare business. Today I continued my investigation of the “Haunted” closet and dolls, chalking up everything to imagination - yet I want to keep an open mind. We did get a visit from two lizards, one a medium-sized green one and a giant one that nobody was able to take a picture of before it hightailed it out of here.
Green Lizard

April 9, 2024

This morning:
    I was inside a dream for a few minutes, this one wasn’t too obvious for me to remember except for the voice that exclaimed the name of a person or place as if a detective had solved a riddle all of a sudden. Waking up, I couldn’t figure out the meaning of what was being conveyed. There are times that I get a word or a name and it just leads me on a hunt via the internet to find some validation. I’ve had some validation on several occasions and other leads don’t pan out - this one didn’t either - except for the Detective from television and the original Quincy in Massachusetts this one will be a blank.
    Back to sleep I get the sensation of going on a trip via rail - one of my favorite modes of dream transportation. Someone was urging me onto the train or mine cart? I could see the track. The new metaphor needed me to see that we would be changing quickly - the ride was getting faster we hit one switch, crossing over to another track and then another switch only seconds later jolted us on to the next track. Too much action. I woke up again puzzled by the suggestion that I would be in for a wild ride.
    The wild ride can happen at any point for me personally from 3am to 5am, and beyond. Hypnogogia for me is a battle for sleep and wakefulness, the more interesting the nightmare is, the longer my mind becomes engaged, keeping me there for the resolution or leaving me wanting more. 
    A crowded city somewhere. Commotion from people screaming - a child has been run over by a bus or parade truck and is caught underneath in the axle. I’m horrified as the seemingly lifeless form of a girl hanging upside down underneath the truck pushes me and the crowd into action. Africa or India is my first reaction to the people trying to lift the truck, at least fifty or more struggling with the weight of… kids on the truck. At first the cargo looked like luggage, then everything changes again and it’s a load of children - the girl must have fallen or been pushed off the overloaded conveyance. The struggle to lift the truck with the weight of the human payload was a lopsided affair, a lack of common sense. I rushed in yelling to the kids to jump off and to help each other off before the men tried lifting the truck high enough to remove the girl as safe as possible. Time was running out for us, urgency was losing to panic and indecision. Yelling at the top of my lungs I summoned a booming voice that brought everyone to a halt - then the crowd started moving as a unit, kids jumping down being helped by the adults, the strongest men moving into position. The truck begins to lift up and I’m moving closer to help. I wake up again, driven by the urge to go to the bathroom. 

On a side note, my nephew and his girlfriend asked while I was at the pool if we had heard some weird laughing last night - she said the laugh sounded like a witch or something. I said “Could have been some drunk locals passing by the front of the house or maybe the neighbor - by the way, did you see the weird dolls on the fence next door?”

They checked it out and weren’t amused.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The Gathering

Faces in a Crowd

Over the past few days, I’ve resisted posting about my recent dreams, to see if I could forget them completely just by going about my day. Turns out each of the dreams carried enough weird energy and “nightmare-fuel” to stay with me, at least in context.

March 31

This morning I was in the midst of a dream that started off leisurely enough, there wasn’t any indication that by the end I would wake up from this nightmare in a cold sweat.

We arrived at the hotel - something about it was very off - my gut feeling was that whomever the proprietors were didn’t have the decency to make an attempt to provide even a facsimile of place where even a roadside motel would classify at least two stars above this dump. Even in earlier dreams the accommodations were comparable to a “nice” hotel - this place had “The Cecil” written all over it. My companion during this trip was my “wife”, I couldn’t understand why she would  decide we should stay except to mask the embarrassment of making a big mistake, fooled by advertising. She was trying to make the best of the situation - diverting my attention with the fact there was a pool and “hot spring” pond in the brochure. She hurries me to go check out this pond by my “wife” and we rode the elevator down from our floor to the ground level. 

The room with the pond was smarmy, humidity from the water fogged the mirrors and glass - the marbled enclosure was filthy - my wife goes in and I’m still hesitant. The water itself was an algae green either for effect or because there were enough water plants clogging it like a Koi pond . Before I could take one step in the water, a crab exited the water, alive but turning red from the heated water. That was enough for me, feeling disgusted I excused myself from the room, my wife stayed to enjoy herself. I was in such a hurry to leave that I took a wrong exit that led down a short flight of steps into a narrow, dimly lit corridor that had no exit - just a slender man seated near a sink and stove. This must be a kitchen I though to myself after walking past the man. Sensing there was nothing beyond the dark corner of the hallway, I turn back but the man blocks my way with his leg and asks “Where you going” in a Jamaican lilt to his voice. “You’re not going to leave without trying some food?” I wasn’t sure about having any food in this place - the smell was pleasant though and he brought out a tray of something that was baking in the oven. I take a sample of the pastry/patty and was surprised by the taste and texture - this had to be the only thing done right so far at the hotel. I thanked the man for the delicious morsel - he lets me pass by up to the stairs I had come down. Leaving through another door the dream decides to change on me. 

We’re outside the hotel now, walking the street at night. The sidewalk is busy with people, a group of at least six people walking just ahead of us decide to make a mad dash across the busy roadway at the last second, just as the light changed. Most of them made it but I was watching in horror as a young slim teenaged girl gets run over by a speeding 1980’s Ford Explorer. The rest of her friends are in shock as her body rolls under the vehicle - her legs taking the brunt hit. I cringe from the sound of the body being rolled over - time seems to stop and I can feel my wife ready to jump into action. I warn her “Don’t you even think about it…Leave it up to the ambulance…” Too late, she was already running across to help the girl, I hesitantly joined her, helping to scoop the injured girl across the street to the front steps of a brownstone. My wife’s friend appears (She actually became a NYC ambulance driver for a time) and begins trying to set the bones in the girls legs while my wife held her. The girl was screaming in terrible pain and for good reason - try as  she might, my wife’s friend couldn’t get the broken legs in the proper alignment. I was becoming sick watching the legs moving back and forth while a tourniquet was being tied around the leg to push the bones together.

I woke up slowly from the dream in a cold sweat - these nightmares take a lot out of me but I was able to hang in there longer than usual.

April 1, 2024

Another nightmare. This dream evolved quickly from being a mundane urban camping trip into an explosive, horror-filled end. The location reminded me of the abandoned lots you could find anywhere in the NYC area in the 1980’s. A group of large beige canvas tents are arranged almost like a military configuration (come to think of it, this reminds me now of the game Fallout 3 - I’ve been playing a lot during downtime at home) but more sophisticated that having a table and bed inside - these had machinery, generators, and home appliances. I recognize several people with me, one being a longtime friend who recently passed away, and her partner. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and whatever activity was being played out, I was just playing along with the dream. Looking up at the surrounding buildings made me think about the situation… How did we get here? A commotion behind me, everyone was panicked, the machinery was glowing red hot! Knowing that an explosion was imminent, we all began running away as fast as our legs could move us. Turing around because of the sound being made by the buildup of pressure, I felt time slow down when the explosion erupted from the glowing generator. The last thing I saw before waking up were the faces of the people I was with, trapped in the horror of the moment before the force of the explosion hit.

Another dream has me in a hotel again - this time everyone is going to the pool, several family members are already there, I’m usually last to get ready. Obstacles real and imagined keep me from leaving, whether it’s because I can’t find anything or I’m forgetting to do something before getting to the task at hand. By the time I’m finally ready, grabbing my towel from the hook - everyone returns - I ask “You’re back already?” Someone tells me that the pool is full of people all of a sudden, they are using the area for exercise classes. The dream gave the exercise a specific name but I forgot upon waking up.

I remembered before I was able to get inside the building, there was a puzzle or an obstacle that I had to maneuver. I was trying to enter the building via the stairway made of bricks, but there were just enough missing that made the trek perilous, as if there was a gaping valley below. I was on hands and knees crawling across the bricks and became distracted because I was holding a book in my hand that I picked up along the way. I tried to read the cover (It reminded me of “The Handbook For The Recently Deceased” from the movie “Beetlejuice” and decided that in belonged somewhere close by. Reaching the door of the building, I notice a small book cubby by the foyer where I had to return the book back to its proper space, all while still maintaining my balance on the bricks. The whole situation was weird but I completed passing this barrier and entered the building to join my family. 

April 2 2024

Another gathering of people I know, family - we’re on a trip in a different city. My friend Alex is with me, we’ve broken off with the group and traveled to another part of town. We’re in a parking lot inside a building - a Hotel heading for the shopping mall. It’s nighttime and has been raining a bit. As we’re exiting the parking deck to the street outside, we notice there is a veritable river of water coming down the street. The rushing water is at least a foot high, the force of gravity due to the slope of the hill was bringing with it massive amounts of mud from somewhere, probably a park. A decides that we could make the crossing to the other side of the street into the mall. He makes it halfway across before the pressure of the water and flowing mud takes him down, pinning him to a car. I jump into action after my lifelong friend, somehow I reach him and we retreat to the parking deck, waterlogged and dripping with mud.

Realizing we had no way to get back across town to the hotel where we originally stayed, I suggested to A that we could get a room at this hotel for the night so that we could clean up and ride out the rest of the storm. I get a call on my phone and have to tell my wife the plan, she’s annoyed but agrees that it would be better for us instead of trying to drive the car in this weather. The dream continues having been resolved. Alex and I each take turns using the shower after assessing our muddy predicament. I wake up relaxed and out of harms way.


Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Meet Me in St Louis


    In the dream that woke me up around 1:10am this morning, I was on the field for some reason at a night baseball game. It wasn't raining but the condition of the warning track near Homeplate was muddy, the batter was trying to walk up for his turn and was sinking in with each step. (Second dream in a row about mud) The catcher was also having a hard time waiting in the crouch position, water was beginning to bubble up from below and sinkholes were forming. I could easily tell that the two teams playing were the NY Mets vs the ST Louis Cardinals - the Mets were in their visiting gray uniforms. The crowd became anxious - the clamor of voices became intensified since no one on the field or the stadium announcer knew what was going on. A woman screams from the upper deck and a flood burst into the stadium, completely covering the field in seconds, players wisely climbed up into the stands instead of retreating into the tunnels behind the dugouts. Some of the players stayed on the field, caught in the current trying to swim to the sides - I was also swimming to escape the current, the water was unbelievably warm. 
    My perspective changes, now I'm a fan trying to get away, I climb through a small hatch in one of the walls in the stands and come out into a well-lit theater. This puzzles me because everyone is seated as if waiting for a school performance to begin, no one seems to be concerned about the flooded stadium. For some reason the urgency to leave the first area brought with it the fear of being taken away in the flood, but the next location wasn't under the same threat. I'm panicked because the people are oblivious to what's coming - I don't want to yell "A flood is coming" inside a packed auditorium, that would be the job of the emcee to make the announcement to leave in an orderly fashion. I calmly walk to the exit door and a blond woman opens the door for me, waving me to come on before the announcement. I follow her through the door and wake up in the darkness of my bedroom.

    This morning, I needed to know if Busch Stadium was in a flood zone - so I did the necessary due diligence - they built the stadium just above a flood zone close to the Mississippi river. Last year I predicted the World Series winning team by accident before the season, maybe the Mets have a chance? The Mets are in ST Louis in May - the area gets the most rain historically IN THAT MONTH...

A few minutes later I decide to get back to sleep around 1:20am, checking my watch before closing my eyes. 

    I'm walking a hospital corridor in some official capacity. My route through the floor is direct, I know which room I'm headed to but don't know what bed in the shared room the person I'm looking for is located. An "assistant" or companion is with me talking about the brother and sister... the conversation trails off as I open the door and walk in. I look at the two patients on the left side of the room, one male, the other female. Directing my question to the female I ask "Ingrid Coldon?" the woman doesn't respond or dare point to the other side of the large room - I begin to turn to my right to pose the question again... I wake up again.

Checking the time, I had been asleep only ten minutes.

The last dream of this morning was very short, lasting only three minutes from what I can tell from the data recorded on my Apple Watch. 

    I'm in a kitchen inside an apartment that resembles the one from the movie "The Matrix" where the Oracle is baking cookies for Neo. The woman who is baking a cake resembles Esther Rolle from "Good Times" - she's busy preparing several dishes at a time but forgets to set the timer for the cake. I'm in the kitchen only observing, maybe a spirit or her internal thought process... I remind her about The Cake. Visibly upset she quickly pulls oven mitts on, worried that the cake is ruined and puts it on top of the counter on a trivet to cool off. The cake is sizzling, the woman's face is the picture of dismay, having forgotten a simple thing. I tell her not to worry that the cake is fine, but she decides to test the cake - picking up a piece she cut off and handing it to me - so I am actually in the room. I bite into the most delicious piece of cake, butter cream and chocolate. The flavors of the cake are all I can think of as the woman begins preparing to bake another.

I wake up.

This morning, I check the name that came to me in the dream Hospital. A name closest is associated with a missing persons case, but the name I said had no hits to a real person. 

Monday, March 25, 2024

Mud Men


Used without permission
Boiling Mud Pit

    For most of the dream I was having this morning everything revolved around being inside an office building, the atmosphere in the hallways was darkened, like the feel you get playing some horror-style games where a jump-scare is anticipated around every corner. This building reminded me of the many dream hotels I've "visited" in the past. Riding up the elevator, I wasn't alone, several people rode up with me to the "office" area where my desk was. On the opposite corner of this office, my coworker was in her cubicle trying to finish up before heading home. I offered to help her with the checks she was printing off and inserting into envelopes to mail out. She was appreciative and showed me how to fold each sheet of paper on the perforation. For some reason I couldn't fold the paper correctly and was having the worst time, the paper felt like onion-skin - delicate to the touch and I remarked that my sausage fingers were making a mess of things.

    The checks she was printing out at her desk were elaborate, reminding me of official documents or certificates - this small detail caught my attention as I tried desperately to help with the last few envelopes. Work was slow-going, my mind was set on making perfect folds on the paper but every time the fold was incorrect. My coworker laid down in a bed that was next to her desk - somehow this feature wasn't there before but since she was tired of waiting for me to finish the task - she fell asleep. Finally, I got the hang of the folding and stuffing of the envelopes, finishing of the stack that was left for me. I turned to see my coworker wrapped up tight in the bed - I had been working for hours and it was way past time for us to leave. Gently I moved over to her and tried waking her up softly so not to surprise her out of a dream. She woke up on the third attempt and I said "Time to go" she turned over, reaching her hand for the night table where she left her drink. I grabbed the glass first for her and took a sip by mistake, tasting a creamy cocoanut flavor. I apologized for tasting her drink, she nodded that it was fine. There were three chocolate chip cookies on the table next to the shot-glass that miraculously filled back up.

    We left the building into the night; I think that we rode the same elevator down but wasn't sure because it was as if we were already walking in a neighborhood "close to home" on a brownstone lined street. A commotion near the park caught my attention. My coworker shifted off to the side and became a shadow, or not particularly necessary for the next scene ahead. Some teenage boys were gathered around what looked like a giant portal or well that was at least 12ft around. In the center was a pit of mud or clay that was pulsing and moving - my first impression was that they had pranked one of their friends, dumping him in the mud. The reality of the scene was more nightmarish as the indeterminable figure rose up out of the mud and clay like a giant Golem. The teen boys fled the scene, I was more shocked into disbelief while watching the mud-man rise up to full height. The ogre sized figure pulled a big clump of mud out and plopping it on its right shoulder that wasn't completely formed, fixing itself whole.

    Next the pile decided it needed a companion for whatever quest it was to begin, it reached down into the mud-bog once again and pulled up a boulder-sized clump of clay that immediately wriggled into the form of another similar being except maybe child sized in comparison. The larger one lifted the now realized miniature onto its shoulder and began walking out of the area - whatever direction or mission it was on did not concern dealing with me - I was totally ignored as it head off in the same direction the teens had run off to.

    These mud beings had spoken their names to me when I asked, but I couldn't remember them when I woke up.


I posted this on Twitter (X) yesterday:

4:25am… Woman’s voice: “Oh Look!” I wake up, pull out my earplugs to take a look. Nothing. Go back to sleep.

Knights in White Spandex    

    After falling asleep again there was a shorter dream that I wanted to post but decided that I would spend the day not thinking about the dream or what it might mean.

    I was a superhero again. This time wearing my signature full-body Spandex attire - a direct rip-off of the white Power Ranger. After a battle or some other activity that was prior to my injection fully into this dream, I had flown to my hotel room to clean up and shower. The room was a mess. My stuff was everywhere, this causes me to evaluate my values and adherence to the superhero code. I need time for myself. Unfortunately for me I was late for check-out, forgetting that I hadn't extended my stay. The room was getting cleaned up for the next check-in. I had to rush to gather my things into the suitcase. Some construction workers were already arriving, the had rented my room - I didn't know what was going on but nothing made sense. Now I couldn't find my suit because I had quickly disrobed and dumped it into the pile of clothes I needed to wash before I got into the shower. Finally, I get my stuff together and find my outfit (Easier to grab my suitcase and fly out to another city) putting it on in the bathroom and I look at myself in the floor length mirror behind the door - chuckling because I look like a Power Ranger and notice how buff I am...

I wake up.

Friday, March 22, 2024



Property of Walt Disney

    For over a week I've been having much better sleep. A way that I gauge good sleep is the data I get from my Apple Watch and the strong compulsion to remember any dreams that I've had overnight. Recently I finished reading "The Red Book" by C.G. Jung which took more time than I expected. The writing is more twisty, and full of concepts and references to other works that I wasn't familiar with. This book ended up being research and study for me, having the desirable effect of breaking my nightly, inward concentration (I'm still not "done" with the book and may dive back in again?) to the point that I've been able to turn my back on recent dreams. They're slowly becoming background noise - as they should. Reading is definitely immersion for me - I sometimes come out of a book feeling like the main character, having to debrief myself or turn my attention to other things. Picking up Joseph Campbell's "The Hero With a Thousand Faces", another book worthy of study (Yes, I saw certain words in it that kind of put me off) definitely will take me some time to finish - I'm using it to decompress from Jung actually.
You didn't come here for my reading list though.

    A dream that puzzled me the other morning was seeing one of my best friends in the world, Alex dressed in a tailored suit - he was built like a model and could take any European cut suit off the rack and walk out the door - WITH the approval of the tailor. I didn't think anything of the dream until I tried analyzing it (Damn you JUNG!) thinking it meant he might be meeting his end soon. So rather than press the issue and try to recall the situation from the dream, I let it go.

You came here for the title - and Donald Duck Right?

    This morning, I was in a dream and watching someone draw Donald Duck, it was clearly the character on paper which caught my interest - one of my dad's favorite cartoons. I knew in the dream that I wasn't drawing because the black pencil was in the right hand of the artist. I'm a lefty. The character being drawn was in an action pose, Donald was positioned as if he were coming at you, losing his cool as usual. This was interesting for a few seconds; my attention was taken away, ready to move onto something else... a tap on my shoulder brought my attention back to the page, the artist had finished the drawing wanting me to see. There was the fully finished character now, with a spiky word balloon under Donald with the warning exclamation inside - RUN! My attention is drawn into the word, that I CAN READ and realize that the character has become animated... I wake up.
    Another warning from beyond? Most of my dreams are like drop-in scenarios making me swear the action is oftentimes running in the background until I literally take the leap or am dropped into the frame, when the action level or excitement is at a peak. I try to ignore the image; it pops back into my head. Checking my watch its only 1:15 - great. This means at least one more drop-in for tonight and the compulsion to write about it.
    The second dream is running in my head before 5:30, a fragment - whatever the action was - is over. I'm on an immense transport platform, flying high over the landscape with Professor Xavier and some lesser-known X-Men (Marvel Comics) - THIS catches my attention. The vehicle lands at our destination, presumably the new hidden lair because the last one was destroyed in the last battle (typical). The ship wasn't the usual "Blackbird" but a mind-controlled craft whose name didn't factor into the dream (Possibly "Sanctuary" but that might have been the name of the base - Edit) My concern, as one of the newer X-Men was the fate of the children that we rescued, at least several hundred now resided on the craft, needing at least temporary lodging at the new base. I pleaded my case with the Professor, knowing that one of the buildings - a large unused air hangar at the base, could be easily retrofitted to accommodate the children and provide what they needed. With his blessing, I rallied up the other heroes, together we were able to set up dormitories, a kitchen, recreation rooms, a gym, and classrooms. There was a jump in the dream, everything is going smooth, no excitement - just peace.

    I wake up, knowing all too well that I would be spending an hour before leaving to work - trying to tap this blog entry out on my laptop. 

Why did "Tricky" choose Donald Duck? Cartoons were the theme this time. Oh yeah - full moon on the way...

Don’t Change to Channel

     Yesterday in a Tweet made by yours truly, I declared a bit of boredom at the job. My position is office coordinator, but in reality mor...